Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"Individuality, Inner Beauty shining Outward, into a Masterpiece"

Not every pretty picture is a flawless masterpiece.. not every ugly duckling is without potential of blossoming into a flawless swan.. developing from its beauty within.. a masterpiece of individuality and light.. that shines from the inside out.. blinding all within eye sight.. the world who can no longer miss the beauty within that now shines outward.. among its critics and nay sayers.. And few if any supporters... You are the Masterpiece.. this your light.. your inner light and beauty shining through.. Blooming into a flawless Masterpiece of individual beauty this U <3 by Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMarie <3
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To miss one who you only wish to be with.. to miss one so far away your heart and words surly sometimes ache for.. to miss one who makes you smile.. too miss one you can hear a smile.. one who's laughter warms your heart and makes each day a happy start.. to miss one who's face you'd lovely touch.. to miss one who's hand to hold is a miss one who's friendship and love is all you can think of...words to describe one that I adore and cherish.. trust.. <3 By Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMarie<3
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