Sunday, September 22, 2013

The broken wing of an angel

The broken wing of an angel the scar of shame...the broken wing of an angel the flawed swan gliding on swiming in the pound of lessons to be learned the wing of an broken angel this tho is different for the angel that is broken has wings but the angel spirit is broken does the flaw become an scar a disfigured ment of hate distrust a loveless swan in dispare or regain and learn to maintain its one of a kind individuality...becoming a flawed beauty floating above floating and swaying nowing its worth become one who teaches but learns to love give accecept change not please others but to become to be and maintain its wings and fly high above and  beyond exceeding  expectations of the angel with the broken wing one with the flaw to to some it may be seen...a scared beauty a disfigured swan transformed  and healed from within outward for all to admire and see...the angel swan not broken without shame scares flaws no more disfigurment seen ..all that is noticed is the swan who is different but learn to excel and fly even with its broken wing.~Deana Marie aka babygrldmarie #thelionessqueenwrites

@BabyGrlDMarie: If your heart is still beating giving up, self doubt becoming or continuing to be something "less" than you ... -- shared via UberSocial
@BabyGrlDMarie: If in need of change or regrouping check this lil poem I Just posted » A heart that still beats -- shared via UberSocial

A heart that still beats

A heart that still beats is one that can still feel a heart that still beats is a heart that can still change a heart that still beats can either pump the blood of the good fight with all its might or flow the body slow or rapidly destroy its host..a heart that still beats knows love sadness forgivness happiness and peace...a heart that still beats is a heart that can choose life or live in the shadow and darkness of a long defeat...if your heart still beats you are winning and can make each day better than the last each moment count and each beat of your heart a blessing from inward outward ..a heart that still beats is where the fluid of life flows changes and new beginings are made where the spirit of all things great dwell waiting for the heart that beats in you to shine bright from within out of you~Deana Marie aka babygrldmarie #thelionessqueenwrites

Thursday, September 19, 2013

@BabyGrlDMarie: Dancing on thin ice...enjoying the trill of not knowing ...dancing on thin ice not thinking of falling… -- shared via UberSocial

Monday, September 2, 2013

Whispers In The Wind

@BabyGrlDMarie: "Whispers In The Wind" Whispers in the wind...speaking within...shouting out...whispers in the… -- shared via UberSocial