Wednesday, June 8, 2011

You somehow have a piece me

I awake thinking of you thinking of your smile.. I awake wishing you were by my side.. I awake to that

that somehow you have a piece of me.   I awake to the realization that I miss someone who's not here..

awaking to thoughts dreams if you will of  you our friendship..Our friendship though separated by distance as

it started is real my dear though you awake to the thought aren't here nor near but yes you.. are dear to me.

As  go through my day you come to mind; sometimes just hoping you're OK and having a good day..others

are thoughts of holding you but not saying so as I go through my day often thinking of you

When I awake as i go through my day and t days end  you are somehow here but you're not.. Even as I fall

asleep thoughts of you and yes you there are many times I dream of you I dream of you and I. Dreams of a

beautiful friendship not tarnish by the physical and sensual desires expressed..physical yet intellectual

attraction that has transpired but remains we both respect and treasure the blossoming of

friendship. Yes even as I fall asleep as when I awake think of you.

The mind keeps the hearts thoughts in the heart.. at times when needed the mind helps the heart keep dreams

alive and obsessions at bay..The heart having sometimes a path it takes all on its own with out consent of the

mind or its blessing..This is where lessons and blessing occur within the sometimes easy flow of the heart 

the battle within the mind to protect wise to bring God in and pray to never become cold or lonely and

but to allow true companionship and friendship to unfold..for he know better than our hearts and minds what 

it is that the heart and soul needs..every thought and care i blessing from the Lord.

Blessings are both..Heart and Mind working throughout my day asking first that they be guided not

foolishness, lust or greed but by love for the thee I think of  as awake, as I go throughout my day even as

I drift asleep and you appear in my dreams..Ive come to the realization that you yes a friend but more in my

heart for somehow have a piece of me.

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