Sunday, June 29, 2014
Everything is not ok is not alright smh!
Everything is not ok...I smile but everything is not ok I'm blessed but everything is not ok...why you ask?...because the world we live in is not ok...I alone can't encourage motivate the nation or the world to stop and take action but if I myself can do something to make a difference make someone smile give a meal a dollar to one in need...if I can encourage one who encourages another to take a stand then they another as we hold hands....we are the universe we are Gods and Goddess which one is our light our powder we have to do what is right...we are the Kings and Queens that most rule as such for the people all people is who true Kings and Queens...the Gods and Goddess are to stand for...this my heart not words I'm just writing...many our without food shelter most no fault of there own many have been taken from there homes...I smile but its not ok because still we hope we pray but the world we live in no actions when needed still to this day...backwards are a people who regin not up holding the rights that God intent for yesterday and today.#thelionessqueenwrites<3 #bringourgirlsback #ThisIsThefightWeNeedToBeFighting #thelionessqueenwrites<3
200+Girls still missing the destruction of the world..this is the fight we need to fight
Good morning everyone, enjoy this blessed day God has given us.
#thisisaWorldFight not an Nigerian or an fight just for Africa this is happening to often here at home and worldwide this is s GLOBAL fight! #ThisIsThefightWeNeedToBeFighting #FirstLadyMichelleObama
We should not be able to sleep peacefully while we fight for others and not fight and do all we can to get these girls back home alive and stop the evil from trafficking, molesting kidnapping for ransom or hatred of our women the rape of our children the suffering and humiliating of our men by taking jobs demeaning them and their women children the fact that many people feel hopeless do to the selfishness of others and resources taken from them.. and sickness of the mind of many who run ramped here in U.S. Mexico Africa India Asia and other countries this is #Thefightthatweneedtofight now! Its only getting worse. #stopTheevildoers its not about religion race what continent country we live in its out the future of our children its about human rights...humanity. #weallcan pray and do the governments can do even more...but we need to take a stand #allPeoplez
#thelionessquesswrites <3