Sunday, December 25, 2011

"Your Hands Tattooed All Over My Un Inked Body"

Your Hands Tattooed all over my un inked body; a willing canvas you bring to life..from the sweet  hunger of your kiss.. milk chocolate the taste of your sweet sweet lips.. From my head down to my lips not a spot do they miss.. Your hands blessing my neck, shoulders, down to the small of my back... Painting a tatted bliss down to my hips.. My body says yes yes ink me down I'm ready..for only these hands.. Your touch could arouse me this much... Your hands Tattooed all over my un inked body... The sweetness.. the hunger of your passionate kiss from my forehead down to my lips..words you speak, whisper embedded in my heart.. the sweetness the ecstasy of you and me touching, taking my soul as you ink and kiss between my thighs oh the wickedness of your tongue ... Your hands still inking me down from my hips, buttocks..down my thighs, calves to my feet your tongue now jealous.. Your lips water before beginning to treat my they meet sending chills up my spine.. As your hands have now tatted me from head to toe..caressing my head gently brushing it with your my face you touch as if it were a priceless Gem you admired so much..caressing my neck down to my shoulders again not missing my back to my breast making sure every inch of my once un inked body is now tatted from your touch..every inch inked and kissed, spoiled now by hands that tattooed my body with its touch.. look at me all inked, glistened up from head to toe ..hands that tattooed my body embedded now are they in my heart.. words you speak to the ecstasy now of you and I, has touched and inked my soul ..Tattooed by your hands from head to toe. <3 by Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMarie♥
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A Christmas Wish For Liza

A Christmas wish for Liza..Liza wished she had a New Family sometimes a new Larger family; but more than anything she wanted a sister to play with, to share secrets with. How Liza wished that for Christmas she would have her very on sister, to share Christmas day with... Not a toy or a stocking filled goodies and gifts but her very own sister to share this special day with. This been Lizas wish for sometime now..Her mom and dad knew of this wish and had been planning something special this Christmas Eve. To surprise Liza with.. On Christmas Eve. At 8am Liza awoke hearing. Voices in the living of the voices was a little girl about, her age of 5 or 6 she thought and the other a little bit of a rascal of a boy of 4..Liza began walking towards the living room to see all what the jumping and excitement was about .. As she reached the entry Lizas Mom and Dad said to Liza come over and meet your adopted brother and sister sweetheart.. Say hello to Lilly and Micheal Liza couldn't believe her eyes or ears finally honey you have your Christmas wish.. Liza began to cry tears of joy saying oh Thank you! Thank you! Now I have two to share and play with This is my new family I've been wishing and praying for this is the best Christmas ever!!! Liza hugged her brother and sister then mom and dad saying talking to Jesus was a great idea Mom and Dad he really listens...I love you both and Jesus. <3By Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMarie♥
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Saturday, December 3, 2011

I Hear Now Its Time To See

I hear now its time to see.. Drove up..through.. past the mountain to sometimes walk the valley taking it all in, examine.. enjoy all its beauty which I knew would speak to me.. Holy ground yes I'm sure that it is..much peace in the last few months the Lord has blessed me with and is not done yet..I feel his presence..hear his words..I embrace the work he has for me.. Its not that the grass is so much greener or that the sun is so much brighter, as it is that I can hear the birds singing the sound of the wind whispering flowing against my skin, welcoming the rain with its sweet divine scent..enjoying what I'm blessed with yet strive 4 more because its my son & my self I drove all these miles start anew missing only a few... The second part of Journey..but building my view not just checking the scenery for a few..time is given but not promised the grass not so much greener but my mind so much clearer heart beating..dancing rhythm in time..awaiting what is in store my prayer is for clarity, I its time see and work towards what thee is slowing showing me so that I may fully understand..I its time to see.. thank you Lord for blessing little ol me <3 By Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMarie ♥
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Monday, November 28, 2011


Drunk of that spiked punch,satisfying that sweet tooth with these skittles U munched baby don't (cont)

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

"I've Fallen In Love"

I'VE FALLEN IN LOVE: Falling in love with ever changing flow of you..falling in love with the different colors you bring.. falling in love with the light..rain..each cool breeze.. the sand and tranquility of the river and ocean flow..the beauty of the white snow.. falling in love with the glow through the night..falling in love with the difference in each face I see..each voice, language their mouths speak..falling in love with the different rhythms, rhymes playing for me..dancing the tune of peace, feel of written and spoken words that come to life for all those who read who listen..falling in love with words and conversation from loved ones and friends..I've Fallen what God has giving you and me..I've fallen in love with what living life is to me..I'm thankful for the Love he has instilled in me.♥By Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMarie <3
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Monday, October 31, 2011


Sleeping sound, peace until..I felt a hand..a whisper...its me baby its me don't be afraid..hands touching..feeling my body..reaching for my first a soft and sweet kiss on my neck then lips then a hungry forceful kiss, pulling of my ankles..half asleep..half awake..come with me..come with me..I miss U so..heart racing tears rolling down..screaming but nothing comes out..Darkness is all I see..using the familiar voice of a long lost gone; but how can he be here..kicking..Clawing back to where U come from lost spirit your not he..awaking in a cold sweat body pulled to the edge of the bed room in disarray.. looking around as if waiting for my lost lover to return but my heart still racing in fear..gone he is gone..looking at the clock the clock has stopped at 3am the bewitching hour.. When lost spirit stalking their prey. <3 by DeanaMarie aka BabyGirlDMarie a halloween tale half truth half tale :-)
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Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Woman I Am And The Man For Me

I love an intelligent man who knows and loves God, just a little rough around the edges, that knows how to treat and speak to a woman..can hold conversation & can make me laugh, smile..cry tears of joy of pleasure..he knows that a woman is Gods gift to him to help him in this not afraid or to proud to tell her he needs and desires her that she is a priority there's no option for him..He can be himself without holding back.. because a good woman the woman for him will love him unconditionally, taming him..not trying to change him..if need God will make him see if he must <3 Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMarie
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Tuesday, October 25, 2011


We danced a dance of fools..We danced in blind desire..a Foolish Dance we danced..Lost are we now to one another..missing what we had as we danced the dance of fools..dancing in blind desire..dancing a dance of two..out of step we danced a dance with out lead..trying to dance a dance with out lead out of step no rhythm or rhyme..and so no we have no more time the song has ended as we danced the dance of two instead of one each dance a solo no lead to follow..not following the Rhythm that was set a melody..sweet harmony wasted as we danced a dance of fools..we dance a dance of blind desire; lost now to one another rhythms the now our desire <3 by Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMarie
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Poetic and Lyrical is flesh desires, words spoken without speech..moving and swaying beyond hands reach..looking further than the eyes can see..Poetic and Lyrical touching the soul..entangled in moments in a web of wondrous desire..but yet the heart searching for it needs more..Poetic and Lyrical words not spoken unsung but hitting every note..a Rhythm of unsatisfied thoughts never letting the mind rest..playing again and again the desire of flesh as it dances and sways..Poetic and Lyrical is flesh desires as words unspoken.. Touch of flesh intertwine the rhythm of the mind..Poetic and Lyrical as the souls combine for seconds minutes without speech..moving beyond hands reach..Looking further than the eyes can see..Poetic and Lyrical without words burning inside..notes needing rhythm and thyme..Poetic and Lyrical flesh desires..spoken without speech moving and saying beyond hands reach..further than the eyes can see souls intertwine in moments, a web of wondrous desire..But the heart searching and needs more <3 By Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMarie
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He sleeps on the street..alone and most times having nothing to eat..tethered shoes on his feet..but still he danced up and down the to day this would repeat..asking for change so he may eat.. Most passers by do not stop to meet..All they see is a man on the street not noticing his dancing feet; which he once used to walking to work on then this much loving streets and avenues but this people who don't stop to meet no not of this man that sleeps on the street..most times having nothing to eat..tethered shoes he has on his feet.. But still he has a dance..he dances up and down the street. <3 By Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMarie
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REMEMBER TO»» sail you own ship be the captain of your Journey "the map has already been drawn up and laid out" we just need to follow it, when you get of course follow using the compass of PRAYER ««( this where YOU STOP FOR DIRECTIONS) using common sense and his word»» (God) bringing you back on course..if you following which ever way the wind blows prepare to be lost in the sometimes angry sea and be strong enough to pick up your map and follow your destiny. Stay blessed<3 by Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMarie
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Sunday, October 9, 2011

To understand me

U have to really know me to understand my love..those who don't take the time and don't believe that there's greatness in still conquers..will not..cannot..don't understand or get who I truly am. As deep as the ocean..reaching higher than the highest mountain..beyond the heavens true love is everlasting near or far it is patient..even when tried..graceful caring..understanding brings fourth outer shell of iron for those who refuse to believe..who mistake my love for weakness..U have to know me to understand my love..tears shed..but love is who I am <3 by Deana Marie babygirldmarie
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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Do not close your mind...Leaving the heart alone thinking its all the same as before..and miss out what may be in store greater and truer than before:

At first feeling like ok here we go again just some more talk yes.. To fill the time.. But then a spark of wonder a glimmer of interest..We were Conversing like old friends.. No subject of limits..Warm and fuzzy feelings began and me wanting to hold your hand..this feeling I know all to well like the days of me walking toes in the sand..I feeling of freedom, peace..I breath of fresh air..a wave happiness..U are to me a ray of sunshine..this is a song I sing like the birds in the tree..a blessed soft rain against my skin..the glow of the Moon..the stars shining bright taking my heart to heavenly heights the sparkle in my eyes the cheerfulness in my voice the sweet sway in my walk this the blessing of not a falling star but one whom shines bright thought the night shooting straight to heavens gate into my heart who would of thought what a few conversations would start..I'm so glad that you and I have not hidden our hearts..<3 By Deana Marie aka BabyGrlDMarie <3
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rain blessed Tears from heaven

Here comes the tears from heaven cleansing..quenching the thirst of the earth..the thunderous Roar of the lion..The King of Kings rolling through.. But a peaceful storm blessed by the love of the prince of peace #rain blessedtearsfromheaven <3 by Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMarie
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Love as if your life depends on it..The more we love and show it the happier we will be.."live laugh love" follow God U can't lose..step on the highest mountain..reach out in faith never look back..ignore what's down..instead reach high..if its today.. its not to late.. if 2morrow given do this again for your tomorrow is today so never delay..pray with a song in Ur heart praise with dance in Ur feet this I assure will delivery U from defeat.. His grace mercy favor..rejoice in his love..he gives U so much so that U share plenty..Thank U God for my heart for without..I would not hear U <3 By Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMarie
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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sweet First and The Dreamy Kisses Between

The first kiss is the sweetest..all the kisses in between like a dream..never preparing for the last kiss..the heart break of one who is no longer..but never forgetting the first kiss oh so sweet and the many kisses between..feeling like a dream..never preparing for the last kiss but live, share those kisses with one another as if there will be no sweet kisses to instead your heart will only know the sweetness of the first kiss..the joy.. dream of all the kisses between; of one who is no longer..but left a gift of memories..of sweet and dreamy kisses shared <3 By Deana Marie aka BabygirlDMarie
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Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Lioness: Queen Of The Jungle

I am the Lioness; Queen of the Jungle protector of my young, leader, teacher observer hunter..sprinting through the open land..swiftly but quietly..then quickly striking my prey, delivering, preparing a meal a feast enough to feed the mind..leading you to water to quench your thirst...not fearing any..a roar like thunder..striking like lighting upon approach of my enemy..sitting quietly purring against the Kings mane.. Should I be crossed..attacking with speed one bite or lunge deadly..for I am the Queen of the Jungle admired, loved, feared..tried and tested by few..I am the Lioness Queen. By Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMarie <3 ...Lioness picture by @yougirlismylife ... Original Pic taken by BabyGirlDMarie
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Monday, September 19, 2011

aka BabyGirlDMarie <3
Creation now must lead his people to the Kingdom, Working not to build treasures on earth but to guide his people to Everlasting life. by Deana Marie
in this Journey of life..A Man is strong yet loving, guides, protects, not afraid or ashamed to accept direction when lost..not quick to anger..Man Gods
is First a Creature of God Created in his imagine bound by Gods laws giving life to his seed Blessed with the Love of Woman his gift from God to Help him
The Heart of a Man Brings life or Death to his Spirit making Him a Soul of the living or the Soul of death..So I ask U Do U Know what a Man is Truly..he

Sunday, September 18, 2011

As Sun sets.. sand between my toes..a soft breeze in my above and all around me..the scent of (cont)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fw: I Stopped To See There's No Me without Thee

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-----Original Message----
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2011 09:48:56
Subject: I Stopped To See There's No Me without Thee

I stopped to see, there's no me without Thee in loving me I love Thee whom loves me and you: I stopped to see There's no me without you..Stopping to see the light, stopping to smell th scent of sweet rain, to smell the blooming flowers..stopping to love, stopping to listen to words of encouragement of wisdom...dismissing those of the doubters, non believers those who only believe in what they can see..I stopped to build my faith in thee not in man.. Stopping to enjoy to accept me :-) "Stopping to think of how good you've been to me"; "giving thanks for the love and many blessings God you have given me"...I Stopped to see there's no me with out Thee..for he picked me up lifted my spirit in times of great sorrow, self misdirection "Never" allowing me to become self destructive for my love for my Lord and savior game me strength his mercy and grace allow me to help others instead of needed help...I stopped to see there's no me without Thee..I Stopped to see, the light..I stopped to smell the scent of the rain..the blooming feel the listen to words of wisdom and experience..I stopped with the aide of the Gods loving hand his embracing arms.."I stopped to love, finally to love me realizing loving me meant I love you the one I can't see but I know you're always with me".. this It was a new beginning therefore I could love an accepted being loved.. I stopped to see there's no me without Thee..I gave thanks, asking his will to be down..for my will surely would lead to self delusion and destruction spiritual death without the guidance of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ..I stopped to see there's no me without listen..give thanks accept love to give love..while still I may lean he will not allow me to fall..someone stopped with me They saw, they listen to thee.. They prayed as loved ones do together.. and in private..they gave thanks.. Accepted love and gave this journey well call life I'm blessed to receive his love.. providing me with peace,a warm heart and loving spirit..I'm rich in his love for he made sure I've never done without what I've needed and then some..I stopped to see you are what I need..what needed I stopped to see there's no me without thee.. So at this time I'm stopping to praise to give thanks for your love for me LORD I stopped to see that there's no me without Thee..I'm so blessed to know you.. to hear you.. To hear you..from deep within.. to feel your love filling my heart renewing my spirit keeping me whole.."Father God I'm glad I stopped to.. yes so very glad that I see there's no me with out Thee..I'm loving the me you are molding me to be..because I finally stopped to see without you there is no me". By Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMarie <3
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A broken heart is both a lesson and blessing a lesson in love a blessing love letting U know that what has (cont) by Deana Marie aka

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Just maybe if we have faith and aren't in such a hurry to do everything right now, Gods will just may be what (cont)
ks.. will be your gift in life his presence. "United We Stand Divided We Shall Fall" By Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMarie <3
nd guard but not and freedom cannot be one without the other. for Gods embrace for a job well done a life lived well in faith and good wor
ed hate of loss souls..we shall pray that forgiveness runs through the hearts of those who loss their loved ones and friends...WE must never forget.. sta
REMEMBERING, HONORING the LOSS OF THE INNOCENT and BRAVE: On this day 9-11 we remember the brave and innocent people who's lives where taken by misguid

Sunday, September 4, 2011

rie <3
R with MOBILE POST. Thank you very much for your interest I will working on this the coming week with blogspot and reposting. Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMa

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Heart of a Man Brings life or Death to his Spirit making Him a Soul of the living or the Soul of death..So I ask U Do U Know what a Man is Truly..he
The Heart of a Man Brings life or Death to his Spirit making Him a Soul of the living or the Soul of death..So I ask U Do U Know what a Man is Truly..he

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Beautiful Woman lives her life;giving sharing, teaching, listening, loving makes her a beautiful gift. By Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMarie <3
self at times even when in need of rest but expecting nothing in return..the beauty in her step the dance of her walk..the sway of her hips the way each
in through her eyes, the curve of her lips the song of her laugh the sweetness of her smile in the way she speaks, the way she loves others giving of her
The Beauty of a Women comes not from how she looks on the outside but how she is wired and made on the inside..God allows it to illuminate/flow from with
<3 by Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMarie <3
come to shore, the different languages of your children..the laughter of my son the smile of my mother..all of these & many more blessings I Thank U God
many shades & shapes..I know its all because of your luv..God I hear the chirping & singing of the birds..I've seen/heard the sound of the ocean when it
storms to the sweet showers that come down from the sky the Sun which shines so the moon lit all of the beautiful faces of
Thankful 4 The Many Blessings: As I look into the sky though I cannot see you I know you are here..Rain or shine your presence is all around me from the

Saturday, August 27, 2011

e aka BabyGirlDeanaMarie<3
hanges but not the love of GOD whom granted, has blessed us with the unconditional love of a we see ourselves in him we see GOD. by Deana Mari
schievous laughter...he my son made with love molded with care as God saw his father and I needed him here; a blessing a reminder of love...though love c
lightful love made from love so pure so innocent..I treasure every moment I have here on this earth watching him grow hearing his cheerful, sometimes mi
The light from my sons eyes is the light of love unconditional..his smile shines like the sun in the valley..Eyes sparkling like a flawless diamond..A de

Saturday, August 13, 2011

u are the water to my flower the calm that embraces my storm. By DeanaMarie aka BabyGirlDMarie<3
quenching my skin, my thoughts, wants.. keeping my mind occupied with thoughts of loving and wanting you, your mind body your soul to bond with mine..yo
Loving me loving how you make me feel.. loving the way my heart races with the thought of you, like a refreshing shower on a hot and steaming afternoon..

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

just listing to the rain fall.. these are moments as with so many other sent from heaven that cannot be replaced. By Deana Marie aka babygirldmarie
say or hear I love you from one who knows the meaning of the word and more importantly know how to accept and give love unconditionally a silent moments birth to my son...writing again after 20 years and loving it.. Sitting outside reading..Listening to music as a cook or write.. each time I
ing and caring for others who cannot care for themselves , making them smile and know they are still relevant The first time I felt my son in move in the
ghter..the day I married the Father of my son;then peace that came when we agreed to go our separate ways but still love from a and shar
Moments of heaven: a hug from my son..watching him grow.. When God speaks to me. my first love now he's at peace and with the Lord, my Moms smile and lau
e ready. By Deana Marie aka babygirldeanamarie <3
nd allow yourself rest upon the white sand as the darkness of night the stars shine bright..for I will not forsake you..I will call you home when you ar
p in your journey until you see the dolphins who with all their joy will soon bring laughter, peace..for now rest upon the back of the great sea turtle a
spirit of life directs the sea turtle to take me a shore..say to me you are meant to swim to float; when you become tired I will send my creatures to hel
Sending the beautiful sea creatures to floor of the bring me up from the cold waters where I am not meant to be gathered me up on its back the
ng out the unclean and wanted venom that has attack your heart pour out and internal bleeding swelling with in. by Deana Marie aka babygirldeanamarie<3
t and descend to the limbs hopefully being eating away at by and fought off by the body's cells before reaching the lungs to stop your the breath filteri
Never letting the lost or the pain of a broken heart travel to the brain for then you shall surely be lost instead letting the venomous poison be pump ou

Monday, July 25, 2011

heart desires fulfilled..coming home to you was all my heart knew. By Deana Marie aka babygirldmarie <3
e to you is all I knew.. Coming home to you would be like heaven on earth..making my heart content and filled with joy.. Coming home to you.. Would be my
ur sid as we raise our family..coming home to you..together loving each other; being thankful for the short time we are granted on this earth..coming hom
o you..loving you with all I have the way a woman should love her man..without condition with truth and understanding..coming home to you..standing by yo
child and care for your daughter as she was my own..coming home to love and be the help a man needs in this journey..coming home t
Coming Home To You: Coming home to you was all I knew.. All I wanted this is true..Coming home to you is all I wanted to love care for you our
e careful of nothing but pray about all..judging not but forgiveness to all..this will deliver us all from evil & sin..the true kingdom awaits..the works
us the Ultimate Beginning. We are not perfect shall we strive to be More like He who has given love; offering ever lasting life<3 deana marie aka babygi
to be in the numbers to be there is not an easy journey but one necessary.. for his (GOD) Judgment is the only judgment that Matters in the give
There are so many moments in life..I choose to remember the good moments..the happy moments, dismissing the unhappy & sad moments..while remembering to b

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Now...for I to...want and miss and how but how could I not love him too...yes..yes I love him too By Deana Marie aka babygirldmarie <3
to me in words so dear and intoxicating to me I just want U..I miss U..I love U baby.. Distance...Time...Become a friend of mine..become Near... Here and
U..I love U..So I say with my heart so over filled will joy and love for thee distance..time be a friend to me become near and here instead<3 Oh he said
he curve of lips.. I too want U..I miss U..I love U..He said to me.. He who I have been waiting deserving to give my heart to..I want U..I miss
riend to me keeping U so far from me. My love it seems and feels like forever til I see be able to look into your make you smile and see t
He said I want U..I miss U..I love U baby..those words so sweet and intoxicating coming from the one who has my heart..distance..time seems to not be a f
be so sad to let it pass us by..sitting here listening to a love song while I can do is envision loving U. Deana Marie aka babygirldmarie<3
e way we feel doesn't' disappear but is here to stay and only growing more and more with each hope that we will give our love a try for it would
his be U I long to seen feel and touch ever so gently..for now my heart and mind is always on U until the time comes for U and me I can only hope pray th
The sound of Ur moans of pleasure when I give my all me to U, its you I've been waiting for..can this be you can this be me can this be this can t
og deana marie aka babygirldmarie<3
neck and in my ear as you whisper to me I love and want you..the firm but loving touch of your hand against my skin, your moans of pleasure cont. Next bl
the unknown..I just know my mind is on you. You and I can't wait to see it that is what is store for we.. And me well; I long to feel your breath on my
you smile and kiss your lips..I don't know the answer..I just know that I can't bare the thought of not having the pleasure of the wait the excitement of
Listening to a love song thinking of U thinking of we..can we possible be..can my heart bare the wait..the time it will take just to see your face..make

Friday, July 22, 2011

e I can love no other than you. By DeanaMarie aka BabygirlDMarie<3
whole heart. Every word I speak to you is truth never doubt that whether we are near or far my heart and mind is on you....waiting on you<3 for this tim
nless flirtation will happen we control how far it goes as not to be misunderstood. U have a part of my heart with that love is flowing to and through my
s at times have just as much meaning as our in love and respect for self and those we love choose them carefully and with good intention mea
As a Woman I will make that change so you never have to wonder if my heart is true.. Not changing for you but because I love me and I love you babe..word

Thursday, July 21, 2011

aka Babygirldmarie<3
address him in prayer knows&sees;all..he can redeem even the hardest off hearts. deafest of Ears the blindest of eyes to see& know Thee <3by Deana Marie
take all to him in prayer. Using past, present my personality, my faults&gifts;to draw myself as well as others closer to thee..God no matter what name U
f awareness luv, appreciation after giving more than I have received but not allowing me to harden my heart or close my mind but allowing instead that I
Chillin,in my cami yes letting the visions & thoughts evolve...thanking God 4 his unconditional love 4 myself, my family & 4 providing peace of mind, sel

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

f the rain now a quiet beautiful blessing..upon U and me the rhythm of the rain has fallen. By Deana Marie aka BabygirlDMarie<3
now falling upon you as if we were in a rain the thunder and lighting inside me the storm let's up the rain has fallen..the rhythm o
p drip dropping of the beginning of rain drops.. then with a consisted rhythm like the down pour of a rain storm building and over my love is
Cont. The Rhythm Of The Rain: continued> as they pour down so does my you work on rocking me back to sleep..loving me first as gentle as the dri
inued) By Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMarie
wet kisses to my neck then lips..The rain falls drip dropping to the ground..a melody of the moment...then builds to a pouring of showers <3( to be cont
of the rain and sway of the trees from the breeze..U touch my face gently then my lips with one run your fingers throw my planting
s of the trees to I lean over to say..bae are you awake..turn and touch my face your eyes burn through me to my soul..I can still hear the rythm
The Rhythm Of The Rain: The rainis falling hitting the window ..pit pat pit pat drip dropping to the ground as the wind blows lightly causeing the leave
ere you are my Tears now of hope and thanks. By Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMarie <3
ion that just maybe it could be you and me..Tears of happiness come back to me slowly but surely after I thought my love I had surely lost you..But yes h
before we began..Tears of memories and laughter,sighs and moans of desire to be and the pleasure of you and me..Tears of Happiness of the first realizat
Tears Will Fall: Tears of heart break..Tears of fear..Tears that I never really had you but still feel I've lost you..Tears of sadness that we were over
e aka BabygirlDMarie <3
d..for allowing us this time together..for not allow me to shield my heart from U..allowing my heart and mind to be open, giving..loving U. By Deana Mari
caring for fame or fortune just wanting to be comfortable with you doing the things that make us happy while thanks and the glory to Go
ughts.. even when not of you..some how are of you; for in the back of my mind there is you..not wanting to but can't help but to love you..Not wanting or
Loving you is all I can do: Not wanting or expecting to love, but it is all I can do when it comes to steps the sway in my hips, my voice, my tho

Monday, July 18, 2011

r represents life, replenishment, purity..of toxins&unpure;,hurtful thoughts,new beginnings as in baptism/christening. By Deana Marie aka BabygirlDMarie
Tears come to my eyes as I right this..tears of happiness though that I've heard Gods voice and moving on his word..the ocean..water our bodies 90% wate
are beautiful dolphins..a sign I believe of happiness, self love and freedom to be without being reserved a journey coming full circle..dreams lived out.
First in my dreams some months ago were the huge sand turtles allowing leading me to and caring me to a place of calm and relaxation..Now in my thoughts
eanaMarie,life,freedom,companionship,laughter swimming,playing living free in what is home to you and me the water of the sea. By D.Marie<3 aka BabygirlD
f captivity..then finally being set free into the open waters we both glide and jump and swim in what is home..Freedom sharing what God meant for us to h
giving joy to others being cheered on..seeming to be smiling dancing/ jumping in and out of hoops in waters that are not my home but a temporary place o
Two Dolphins captured then Free: I met you at a time of transformation from being a beautiful creature of the sea captured a dolphins; being watched and
u were here with me.. By Deana Marie aka babygirldmarie<3
nger lost but found in my love for you.. Softly loving you only to away and realize my love yet its was my dream of you my dream of you and I..wishing yo
of you..your moans of pleasure feeling my ears embedded in my soul..your eyes reach a place that I never knew exist..oh you and I fit perfectly I'm no lo
Softly my hands touch and caress your body softly and slowing kisses cover you from head toe..loving and learning every inch of you..taking in the scent

Friday, July 15, 2011

m art I am he I am love naturally I'm woman who in her on way is a free and phenomenal beauty for this what he made me to be lioness queen
t of a lion, knowing full well of my power and that is given me I stand before you and I say I am love I am who the lord has me..even in my nakedness I a
n all but knowing that yes that some hearts are cold..I stand be fore you proud of who the lord has made me what he has giving me.. the strength and hear
I stand before you in all my glory like a newborn but only full well knowing of this world and its hardships and deceit but treasure and I see the good i

Monday, July 11, 2011

ger but in seeing the need to give U space to do what you need to without being a distraction..if we are ment to be I will U & U me will be hand in hand.
My words are real they come from my heart..I only can wish that we'd met in another time & place Ur eyes I tell U i wished to bring a smile to Ur face<3
not be for one reason or the other this sadnes my heart brings tears to my eyes but some how I know that the timing is wrong for us I step away not in an
e another then of each of our gifts for I knew there was so much more just looking at Ur eyes seeing then hearing Ur words but both realizing that we can
t love hearing that another wants U and U feel the same is intoxicating, more than aboit the want of flesh meeting of the minds a mutual admiration of on
Missing what I had hope could be missing a you and me I gave a part of myself much to soon I gave U a piece of my heart without giving it a second though

Sunday, July 10, 2011

unning;through women. A real woman will take U with or with out difficulties if she loves U but U have to love back >GOD TRUST&COMMUNICATION<3
sign of weakness but I sigh of growth & trust. #RealTalk #closemouthdontgetfeed pride leads to disaster, turmoil, loneliness and just a lot of nothing&r
.U can stand by Ur man and still do your thing. Men stop shutting Ur woman out in time of stress & need this is the time U need her the most its never a
As women we have to let the man be the man but be careful not to forget that U also have a duty to yourself to not loose yourself don't forget who U are.
inging the light of the spirit which last forever <3 #TimelessEnergy Deana Marie aka babygirldmarie
tiful piece of art..time captured a blessing to us for the Physical is only temporary..that's why I embrace things and those people who touch the Soul br
Nothing last forever in the physical form, but in the mind and heart lives on like a classic song, movie or a book you can read over and over like a beau
t&I shall stand& fight like a soldier upon the my horse trampling my enemies to the death showing no mercy as if they were satan himself. <3
h devouring the enemy of life and love as a scorpion stinging it; putting it to death and leaving its corps for it the to be eaten by crows or eagles pes
of God never to fall flat standing, walking in faith a lioness of this Jungle of life watching, loving, caring & protecting mine, clinching with my teet
As the queens before did as I was in my past life I am in this life sitting on directing from throne of works&wisdom & opportunity with the grace & mercy
s notice striking as needed with out hesitation or fear <3
, sprinting as if in the 200 like I'm Flo Jo & Usain Bolt in one striking gold; levitating with just a thought sprouting wings of an eagle with a moment
'd appear & spread out like an eagle swooping, gliding in to catch its prey for the gift I have is to walk as if I'm gliding down the cat walk fearlessly
as you ask yourself did she?is she? that's it I'm flying high I'm levitating higher no wings need at this time but for sure I know if I needed them they
Watch me walk as if I'm on the cat walk watch me run as if I have the legs of a sprinter the heart of Flo Jo watch me I tell you watch me walk on the sea

Saturday, July 9, 2011

replenish what is good what is right what is needed without fearing what is plainly in sight if we do what is right then there is no fight.
see all that we should've have done that should've have been should've is not going to change it only the long sometimes hard pathway back to rebuild and
orld change slowly before our eyes but we ignore the signs of need of want We neglect the earth, ourselves and those we love until it is to late then we
Finally seeing past the red and black rock to what is beneath a history of struggle of life a history of great spiritual meaning how the people and the w
deney looking and our son he our blessing is the best of U and I Deana Marie aka Babygirldmarie <3
let no man come between what he put together for love it was at first site destined to be that though we messed up what God had planned for us we can't
st picture you me others looking on to see what they thought would just be something of a fling for you and me but more than that had God planned that we
Lovely was the moment our eyes locked never new that a smile could capture my heart your hand to my shoulder in a reassuring and loving a first day a fir
erstanding or meaning then at last a few drops come to quench the earth to give hope as my heart surviving through the harshness of life<3
l until the next storm that is sure to come in the season of unforgiving love dangerously and uncontrollably destructive like a love that has no real und
to. To my heart no more warm flow of the rich blood to replenish it but like the sand dry an blowing when there's a forceful wind otherwise standing stil
What is left surrounded by mountains the sun so beautiful but can not bring back what once was running freely like the blood in my veins the main artery

Friday, July 8, 2011

ie <3. This is you and me you.
t would be sad to let it pass us by sitting here listening to a love song all I can do is envision is loving you and you me. Deana Marie aka BabyGirlDMar
Cont. From last tweet. Seem to always be on you morning afternoon and night..I can only hope that you feel the same as I and give our love a try for i
owns of please when I give all of me to you.. Can this be you and I..I long to see feel you to be in your arms.. For now my heart & mind <3
r me.. I long to feel your breath on my neck my ear as you whisper to me..I love you baby..The firm but loving touch of your hand agianst my skin, your m
ween seeing you.. I don't know the answer I just know my heart and mind is on you.. You and I..can't wait to see if that is what the Lord has in store fo
Can my heart bare the wait: Listening to a Love song thinking of you thinking of we.. Can we be, can my heart bare the distance..the wait the time inbet

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The eyes of a dangerous but beautiful Creature of the wild "U" deep but heavenly are Ur eyes but (cont)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

s e t f r e e s o t h a t I m a y s e e .&e
o v e S e n t m e a n u n e x p e c t e d a n g e l e y e s o f a b e a u t i f u l s o u l . . t h i s I s a
o o h e H e c o u l d s e e a n d w a s s e e i n g w i t h o u t m e k n o w i n g . S e n t a g i f t t
s e n t m e t r u t h , g r a n t e d m e p e a c e a n d o p p o r t u n i t y w h i l e s e n d i n g m e l
M y h e a r t w a s b r o k e n o n l y t o b e r e p a i r e d a n d r e b u i l t b y t h e L o r d w h o

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

You somehow have a piece me

I awake thinking of you thinking of your smile.. I awake wishing you were by my side.. I awake to that

that somehow you have a piece of me.   I awake to the realization that I miss someone who's not here..

awaking to thoughts dreams if you will of  you our friendship..Our friendship though separated by distance as

it started is real my dear though you awake to the thought aren't here nor near but yes you.. are dear to me.

As  go through my day you come to mind; sometimes just hoping you're OK and having a good day..others

are thoughts of holding you but not saying so as I go through my day often thinking of you

When I awake as i go through my day and t days end  you are somehow here but you're not.. Even as I fall

asleep thoughts of you and yes you there are many times I dream of you I dream of you and I. Dreams of a

beautiful friendship not tarnish by the physical and sensual desires expressed..physical yet intellectual

attraction that has transpired but remains we both respect and treasure the blossoming of

friendship. Yes even as I fall asleep as when I awake think of you.

The mind keeps the hearts thoughts in the heart.. at times when needed the mind helps the heart keep dreams

alive and obsessions at bay..The heart having sometimes a path it takes all on its own with out consent of the

mind or its blessing..This is where lessons and blessing occur within the sometimes easy flow of the heart 

the battle within the mind to protect wise to bring God in and pray to never become cold or lonely and

but to allow true companionship and friendship to unfold..for he know better than our hearts and minds what 

it is that the heart and soul needs..every thought and care i blessing from the Lord.

Blessings are both..Heart and Mind working throughout my day asking first that they be guided not

foolishness, lust or greed but by love for the thee I think of  as awake, as I go throughout my day even as

I drift asleep and you appear in my dreams..Ive come to the realization that you yes a friend but more in my

heart for somehow have a piece of me.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Feeling sick wish I had an freezer or a plug to unplug this heart o
ep its going to my stomach..I thought I had that under lock and key
Can't stop this feeling in my chest no matter how I try...its so de
Knowing your self worth, who you are & what you want in life are very important to living free not without bumps&some pain but free&blessed
I did not drown in love, only to resuface on the back of a beautiful sea turtel..awaiting my readiness to truly (cont)
I let consume my thoughts heart and emotion, not even giving of my body that was a blessing as knowin that I can (cont)
You left me to drown in love alone a sea of uncertainty left to drown in love alone a wave of emotion left to (cont)
When I see you smile mom it warms my heart, when I see you frown it makes me uneasy, mom when I see you cry I (cont)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The way you see me..the way you love me..the way you speak of me..The way you speak to me..the way you protect (cont)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Is our love ment to be?

How do I say to thee I miss Thee?  I say I miss you.
How do I make thee see I want and love Thee? I
give thee space and time needed to see if thee loves,
misses and wants me.
I let thee go, awaiting your return..for if thee returns to me then I know
our love is ment to be.

If I tell you

If i tell you I love you I do..If I tell you I need you I do.. If I say need you I do..If I say  I will be here for you always I will be.. if I say I want you I do.. If  I say I miss you I do..this are the words I speak to the one I love.. the one I give my heart to and love unconditionally.. to you I write and say these words my dearest..whom is also my friend.. allow you gaurd to disappear with me as i have done with you: my love does not hurt or demand change; but brings a love that will always be here to lift you when you fall and rejoice when you are soaring high...this is my heart  I give to you.

Monday, May 16, 2011

New post

‎​The rain is coming down like an never ending waterfall of wet kisses through the valley which is my body
Leaving stains of love which permanently tattoo themselves on my soul that remains in turmoil
Come in, lift my spirit once again erasing signs of the love that we lost, renew it with your smile and gentle touch
Touch my soul and lifting my spirit once again so that I can fly high like a summer dove
All of which is accomplished with your warm embrace, as you softly stroke my face allowing me to release a sigh
A sigh of hope, of joy and companionship as we set sail to ecstasy
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
s my guide and I shall follow. Deana Marie
alling because I can fly I can soar through the blue ski rain or shine with only the scent of the ocean, air and clouds as my companions. For the Lord i
with me cause I'm not dying I'm alive and free like a dove on a summers day spreading its wings...soaring over the ocean not bound by doubt or fear of f
My heart is full, full of hopes and visions but my mind is clear...moving forward is the key With or Without You; I write from truth not dreams. Roll

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My heart is full but my mind is clear..moving forward is the key With or Without U, I write from truth not dreams. Roll with me cause I'm not dying I'm alive and free like a dove on a summers day spreading its wings...soaring over the ocean not bound by doubt or fear of falling because I can fly and soar through the blue sky with only the scent of the ocean, air and clouds as my companions. For the Lord is my guide and I shall follow